Roadhouse Vintage Will Buy Your Gear!!!
- A couple pics of your guitar(s) or amp(s). We don’t need 20 pics from 20 different angles. Just a pic or two that represents what you’ve got to sell. We will ask for specifics if more pics are needed.
- A SHORT description of your item(s). Again, no need to write a novel. Just give us a quick rundown of what you have: Age, condition, originality of the item, and where you are located, are all things that could be pertinent.
- Let us know your asking price. How much do you want for your item(s). We get asked every single day: “Are you interested in XYZ?” The answer is always the same: “How much do you want for it?” Please include your asking price or what you are looking to get out of it. This will help to not waste your time or our time. Also, let us know if we have something that you would like to trade for.
- We will ask follow up questions if necessary and once we agree on a price for your guitar or amp, you will have the choice of how you want to get paid. We can either pay you immediately via PayPal or send you a check, your choice.
- We pay for shipping! We will email you a Fed Ex shipping label. All you have to do is box up your item, print out the label, tape it on the box, and drop it off at Fed Ex. Its that simple!