Reeves Space Cowboy Hand Wired 50 Watt Tube Head-Black-Excellent!



Reeves Space Cowboy Hand Wired 50 Watt Tube Head-Black.

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Roadhouse USA:

Reeves Space Cowboy Hand Wired 50 Watt Tube Head in black.

This amp sounds killer and is in excellent condition. Looks like new.

Reeves makes some great, handwired tube amps and for the price, they are among the best available today.

Save over a grand off the price of a new one!


From Reeves:

Space Cowboy

Reeves Space Cowboy

Guitar Player Magazine Editors’ Pick Award

“This is an outstanding amp for the serious gigging guitarist, and it’s not overly expensive either, considering that other makers are charging $1,000 to $1,500 more for this kind of build quality and sonic veracity. All of which makes the Space Cowboy a shoe-in for an Editors’ Pick Award.” – Guitar Player Magazine September 2016
Read the full article


The ‘Space Cowboy’ is an extension of our very successful Custom 50, widely acclaimed for its articulate note definition, high headroom and an exceptional clean tone.

The utilization of a two knob reverb, over a standard one knob, enables the user more control over the reverb’s character and intensity.

The variable control on the back of the amplifier provides more flexibility in the amount of boost, from simply adding more dirt to a singing lead. Additionally, the boost can be turned on or off from the mini toggle switch on the back of the amp. Now, if the footswitch is lost, forgotten or broken, one is not stuck in either boost or non-boost mode.

Reeves Space Cowboy - 1


  • All-tube circuit
  • Single channel operation
  • Master volume control
  • High and low inputs
  • Treble, mid and bass controls
  • Presence control
  • Preamp control
  • Adjustable lead boost control on rear panel
  • 2 knob Tube-driven reverb circuit with 3 spring long tank
  • Dual mode foot switch for lead boost and reverb
  • Heyboer output and power transformers
  • Hand wired turret board construction
  • 50 watts via 2) KT-77 power tubes or 100 watts via 4) KT-77 power tubes
  • Fixed bias
  • 3) 12AX7 preamp tubes, 2) 12AT7 tubes
  • Solid state rectifier
  • Two 1/4″ speaker jacks
  • 4,8,16 ohm impedance switch
  • 120v, 230v, 240v 50/60Hz Voltage Selector

Prices and Options

Space Cowboy Head – 50 Watts


Space Cowboy Head – 100 Watts


Space Cowboy Open Back Combo – 50 Watts


Available Colors (Black-standard  Orange or White special order)