How to Restring an Electric Guitar

For a newbie, this may seem a little intimidating. But with the right tools, a little knowledge and some practice, you’ll be able to restring an electric guitar like a professional guitar tech. When I was gigging regularly, I would restring my guitar every week. My body chemistry is acidic and the sweat and oils…

Guitar Minor Scale Secrets

Lets face it, there seems to be so many guitar minor scales around to choose from, how do you know which scale is which and more importantly, which minor scale do you use to get the right sound? Sadly, because of the seemingly steep learning curve, a musical journey into the world of theory can…

Guitar Lessons-Playing Harmonics

A harmonic is a tone that’s created by the guitar by touching the string above a fret on an open vibrating string. There are 2 types of harmonics Natural and Artificial or I prefer to call them pinch harmonics. Natural Harmonics Natural Harmonics can be produced by touching your index finger on your fret-hand above…